Wolf Gifts
Wolf Gifts
MC Version:
Quality of Life
Resource Pack:
Wolf Gifts is a Datapack for Minecraft 1.16 to 1.21. This Datapack will make wolfs
give you a gifts after you wake up from sleeping. The wolf has to stand for this to
work. There is a 60% chance you will get a gift from a wolf.
All wolfs give you items from their own category, dependant of the collar colour that
you give them. Wolfs that bring items from the Nether or End can only give you these
when you have gone to the dimensions, and, for the End, if you killed the Ender Dragon.
All wolfs have their own name, but you don't have to give them their name to make
it work. In versions below 1.18, you do have to give them specific names.
If you've installed More Food
or Portable Jukeboxes, some of the wolfs can give
you a Fruit Salad, a Nether Salad or the Dog Music Disc. This is optional.
Snowy (White collar colour)
If you give a wolf a white collar colour, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these snow-related items:
Snow Block (1-3)
Ice (1-3)
Packed Ice (1-3)
Spruce Sapling (1-2)
Snowball (1-2)
White Carpet (1)
Stone Bricks (1-3)
Spruce Log (1-4)
Boris (Orange collar colour)
If you give a wolf an orange collar colour, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these bee-related items:
Beehive (1)
Honeycomb (1-2)
Honeycomb Block (1)
Honey Block (1)
Bone Meal (1-3)
Allium (2)
Lily of the Valley (2)
Polly (Magenta collar colour)
If you give a wolf a magenta collar colour, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these Ruined Portal-related items:
Netherrack (1-3)
Obsidian (1)
Gold Ingot (1-2)
Magma Block (1-2)
Stone Bricks (1-3)
Mossy Stone Bricks (1-3)
Cracked Stone Bricks (1-3)
Iron Bars (1-3)
Flint and Steel (1)
Olly (Light Blue collar colour)
If you give a wolf a light blue collar colour, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these Ocean Monument-related items:
Prismarine (1-3)
Prismarine Bricks (1-3)
Dark Prismarine (1-3)
Prismarine Crystals (1-2)
Wet Sponge (1)
Prismarine Shards (1-4)
Seagrass (1-2)
Kelp (1-2)
Vincent (Yellow collar colour)
If you give a wolf a yellow collar colour, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these village-related items:
Potion of Luck (1)
Bread (1-3)
Emerald (1)
Potato (1-2)
Torch (1-4)
Acacia Sapling (1-2)
Larry (Lime collar colour)
If you give a wolf a lime collar colour, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these land-related items:
Cornflower (1-2)
Dandelion (1-2)
Poppy (1-2)
Oxeye Daisy (1-2)
Jungle Sapling (1)
Dark Oak Sapling (1-4)
Pale Oak Sapling (1-4)
Leather (1-3)
Raw Porkchop (1-3)
Fruit Salad (1, if More Food is installed)
Fleur (Pink collar colour)
If you give a wolf a pink collar colour, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these flower-related items:
Poppy (1-2)
Dandelion (1-2)
Blue Orchid (1-2)
Allium (1-2)
Azure Bluet (1-2)
Red Tulip (1-2)
Orange Tulip (1-2)
White Tulip (1-2)
Pink Tulip (1-2)
Oxeye Daisy (1-2)
Cornflower (1-2)
Lily of the Valley (1-2)
Wither Rose (1-2)
Spore Blossom (1-2)
Sunflower (1-2)
Rose Bush (1-2)
Peony (1-2)
Lilac (1-2)
Flowering Azalea (1-2)
Pink Petals (1-4)
Open Eyeblossom (1)
Closed Eyeblossom (1)
Cole (Grey collar colour)
If you give a wolf a grey collar colour, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these cave-related items:
Rotten Flesh (1-3)
String (1-3)
Gunpowder (1-3)
Moss Block (1-4)
Redstone (1)
Emerald (1)
Raw Iron (1-2)
Raw Gold (1-2)
Enchanted Book (1)
Pointed Dripstone (1-2)
Rocky (Light Grey collar colour)
If you give a wolf a light grey collar colour, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these stone-related items:
Cobblestone (1-4)
Cobbled Deepslate (1-4)
Tuff (1-4)
Andesite (1-4)
Granite (1-4)
Diorite (1-4)
Calcite (1-4)
Smooth Basalt (1-4)
Terracotta (1-4)
Shelly (Cyan collar colour)
If you give a wolf a cyan collar colour, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these sea-related items:
Cooked Salmon (1-2)
Cooked Cod (1-2)
Iron Ingot (1-4)
Paper (1-4)
Glow Ink Sac (1-2)
Bottle 'o Enchanting (1)
Wheat (1-4)
TNT (1)
Fishing Rod (1)
Stone Axe (1)
Andy (Purple collar colour)
If you give a wolf a purple collar colour, and if you've defeated the Ender Dragon, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these End-related items:
End Stone (1-2)
Obsidian (1-2)
Chorus Fruit (1)
Enchanted Diamond Sword (1)
Diamond (1-2)
Ender Pearl (1-3)
Enchanted Book (1)
Elytra (1)
Enchanted Diamond Chestplate (1)
Enchanted Diamond Leggings (1)
Linda (Blue collar colour)
If you give a wolf a blue collar colour, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these light-related items:
Glowstone (1-2)
Sea Lantern (1-2)
Torch (1-2)
Lantern (1-2)
Pearlecent Froglight (1-2)
Verdant Froglight (1-2)
Ochre Froglight (1-2)
Dylan (Brown collar colour)
If you give a wolf a brown collar colour, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these dirt-related items:
Dirt (1-4)
Coarse Dirt (1-4)
Rooted Dirt (1-4)
Mud (1-4)
Packed Mud (1-4)
Podzol (1-4)
Grass Block (1-4)
Mycelium (1-2)
Ginny (Green collar colour)
If you give a wolf a green collar colour, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these ground-related items:
Wheat Seeds (1-3)
Beetroot Seeds (1-3)
Carrot (1)
Potato (1)
Poisonous Potato (1)
Cocoa Beans (1)
Sugar Cane (1-4)
Glow Berries (1-2)
Nelly (Red collar colour)
If you give a wolf a red collar colour, and if you've been to the Nether, there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these Nether-related items:
Warped Nylium (1-2)
Crimson Nylium (1-2)
Soul Sand (1-2)
Gold Nugget (1-8)
Blackstone (1-2)
Diamond (1)
Enchanted Diamond Helmet (1)
Magma Cream (1-2)
Nether Wart (1-2)
Nether Salad (1, if More Food is installed)
Wendy (Black collar colour)
If you give a wolf a black collar colour, and if you've received the advancement 'Sneak 100', there will be a 60% chance it will give you one of these Ancient City-related items:
Sculk Sensor (1)
Sculk (1-2)
Sculk Vein (1-3)
Cobbled Deepslate (1-4)
Gray Wool (1-2)
Candle (1-2)
Soul Lantern (1)
Reinforced Deepslate (1)
Echo Shard (1)
If you type in the command '/trigger wg_options', and click on [YES] for the Universal Loot Table opiton, every wolf will give you something from this loot table:
Bone (1-2)
Raw Mutton (1-2)
Armadillo Scute (1)
Spruce Sapling (1-2)
Music Disc Dog (1, if Portable Jukeboxes is installed)
Coal (1-2)
White Wool (1)
Wolf Gifts created
Cole now gives you Raw Ore instead of Ore Blocks and Moss Blocks and Dripstone instead of minecarts and torches
Shelly now gives you Glow Ink Sacs instead of Feathers
You no longer have to give wolfs a certain name
There now now 16 different collar colours possible instead of six
You can no longer get Ancient Debris from Nelly (Red collar colour)
Fleur can now give you Pink Petals.
Nelly can now give you Nether Pancakes if More Food has been installed.
Wolfs can now only give you gifts if they are 16 blocks or nearer.
Added options with '/trigger wg_options': Gifting Chance and Universal Loot Table.
Added a universal Loot Table.
Nelly cannot give you Nether Pancakes anymore if More Food is installed. Instead, you can now get Nether Salads.
Random number generators have been modernized.
Larry can now also give you Pale Oak Saplings.
Fleur can now also give you opened and closed Eyeblossoms.
All wolfs' names begin with the first letter from which category they're linked. The only exception is Andy.
The Datapack also had a Command Block Creation, but this one had 10 wolfs with only one item they could give you. They also didn't give you their gifts immediately, you had to wait a number of minutes. They would teleport to you. The weird part was that they had to sit down to give you a gift.