More Pre-written Books

More Pre-written Books is a follow-up on Pre-written Books. This creation gives you the possibility to get a number of books without copy/pasting it or writing them yourself. Just like the Pre-written Books creation, I worked together with Pastor Kent. If you sign a book with a certain name and drop it, it will change into a filled book in a few seconds. There are 7 books in total, all of them in English.

I'm giving credit to Pastor Kent for the stories 'Nomad - Day 1', 'Nomad - Day 2', 'Nomad - Day 3', 'Irony' en 'Tick Tock'.
His YouTube channel can be found here

To make a creation like this, you'll need to use the /execute command. This detects a book with a certain title {Item:{id:"minecraft:written_book",Count:1b,tag:{title:The Raid"}}. If this book is dropped, it will generate a new book with text inside. Use the Minecraft Tools website to write a book yourself, if you want the book with a command.


  1. You should be having to wait 1 second before the book gets generated, but it can take longer because of lag
  2. Books that are named in an anvil do not generate


Here's a list of names for the certain books. Other names do not work with More Pre-written Books.


How to download

Use the following steps if you have downloaded one of my creations on your world before or if you've already worked with structure blocks on your world.

  1. Download the .nbt file.
  2. Go to your world's folder, click on generated, minecraft, structures and put the .nbt file inside the folder
  3. Go into your world and type the following command:
    /give @p minecraft:structure_block
  4. Put the Structure Block inside the ground, right-click and go to the Load menu. Write 'moreprewrittenbooks' under Structure Name.
  5. Press 'LOAD' two times.
  6. You're done!

Use the following steps if you haven't downloaded one of my creations on your world before or if you haven't worked with structure blocks on your world yet.

  1. Download the .zip file.
  2. Go to your world's folder and unzip the file there.
  3. Go into your world and type in the following command:
    /give @p minecraft:structure_block
  4. Put the Structure Block inside the ground, right-click and go to the Load menu. Write 'moreprewrittenbooks' under Structure Name.
  5. Press 'LOAD' two times.
  6. You're done!
