More Potions (2/2)

More Potions (2/2) is the second part of More Potions. It gives you the possibility to make potions of Saturation, Bad Luck, Luck, Resistance and Absorption. You can make the potions by using a cauldron and three of these can be made with Thick Potions. The cauldron has to be completely full to use it.

In More Potions (2/2), you can make potions of Blindness, Glowing, Hunger, Decay en Levitation. All potions have their long variant, some of them also have a strong variant. There are also lingering potions and splash potions.

If the /execute command finds a certain potion in a cauldron, as well as another ingredient, it will change into a new potion.


  1. There are no variations on the splash- and lingering potions
  2. You don't have to throw the extra ingredient into the cauldron


Here's a list of ingredients for the certain potions. Other potions will not work for More Potions (2/2)


How to download

Use the following steps if you have downloaded one of my creations on your world before or if you've already worked with structure blocks on your world.

  1. Download the .nbt file.
  2. Go to your world's folder, click on generated, minecraft, structures and put the .nbt file inside the folder
  3. Go into your world and type the following command:
    /give @p minecraft:structure_block
  4. Put the Structure Block inside the ground, right-click and go to the Load menu. Write 'morepotions2' under Structure Name.
  5. Press 'LOAD' two times.
  6. You're done!

Use the following steps if you haven't downloaded one of my creations on your world before or if you haven't worked with structure blocks on your world yet.

  1. Download the .zip file.
  2. Go to your world's folder and unzip the file there.
  3. Go into your world and type in the following command:
    /give @p minecraft:structure_block
  4. Put the Structure Block inside the ground, right-click and go to the Load menu. Write 'morepotions2' under Structure Name.
  5. Press 'LOAD' two times.
  6. You're done!
